Why Communication Matters To Bridge the Court Reporter Shortage

Why Communication Matters To Bridge the Court Reporter Shortage

The benefits of court reporting seem to outweigh those of other professions yet we’re close to having a court reporter shortage. We think it boils down to communication about the industry.

Court reporting doesn’t require a degree. New reporters can enter the field with a starting salary close to $50,000 and experienced reporters can work their way up to a six-figure salary. Many reporters work as freelancers and can enjoy the freedom to pursue their own interests in addition to reporting.

Yet despite all of these advantages, Drucker International reports that by 2018 there will be a shortage of 5000 reporters and within five years, demand will exceed supply.

Court reporting schools are closing due to lack of enrollment. Some areas of the country could face not only a shortage but a lack of reporters.

Communication is vital to attracting new people to the field.

In-person communication via networking events, recruiting drives, and career fairs can help to drive interest. In addition, social media and e-newsletters can also help to convey the message that court reporting offers a high earning potential with a significant level of autonomy.

Using Social Media

Social media connects us in ways previous generations were unable to communicate. It’s key to connecting professionals including court reporters. It can also be used to educate younger professionals about a career in this field.

LinkedIn can connect law firms seeking reporters but also create a platform to promote court reporting to those seeking a new career but Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can also promote the both the advantages of entering the field and also reach existing reporters.

Retaining Current Court Reporters

The average age for court reporters is 53 years old, which is more than ten years older than other fields. Retaining these existing reporters is vital to bridge the gap during the shortage.

Building solid relationships can encourage experienced reporters to keep working past when they may have planned to stop working. These reporters can also provide valuable feedback on the career they now enjoy, which can encourage young people to enter the field.

As an industry it’s up to us to communicate the benefits of court reporting that include six figure salary, working from home, and making their own schedule. Seems like an ideal choice for professionals who want flexibility and income.

If you’re interested in becoming a court reporter or are a court reporter seeking clients, contact us today!

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